FLL (LEGO Robotics) Camp this Summer!
On July 8-12, our team will be running a LEGO Robotics camp at the Wooden Cross Lutheran Church to teach kids ages 9-14 the fundamentals of building and programming LEGO robots.
This robotics camp is meant to prepare children for FIRST LEGO League, a LEGO robotics competition (http://www.firstlegoleague.org) in a fun and hands on manner. During the camp, your child will be building and programming a lego robot to autonomously perform various missions in the HydroDynamics robot game: https://www.first-lego-league.org/en/2017/hydrodynamics.html
Date: July 8th to 12th
Time: 12:30PM to 4:30PM
Location: Wooden Cross Lutheran Church (17401 198th Ave NE, Woodinville, WA 98077)
Cost: $250 per child - Checks should be made out to Swerve Robotics and sent to 18606 201st Ave NE Woodinville WA.
To register for our camp, please fill out the following form: https://goo.gl/forms/ltbcYbJWg5NabD6x2
This camp will be used to fundraise for our trip to Botswana this summer. We will be bringing this exact camp and curriculum to the country of Botswana which has had limited exposure to science education to mentor teachers and leaders in Botswana and help them start their own FIRST teams. All proceeds from this camp will go towards the Botswana endeavor.
If you are not available for this camp, please share this information with your friends and family! Thank you for your time, and we hope to see you from July 8 - 12!
If you have any further questions, you can reach us at swerverobotics.org.
417 S.K.I.D.
History being made!
Swerve Robotics is so very proud of our FTC teams. In mid February, 6220 Centripetal won the Inspire Award at the British Columbia Provincial Championships earning them a spot at the World Championship in Houston, TX. The other two teams competed at the FTC West Super Regional in Spokane WA March 8-11, 2018 where both 417 SKID and 8923 Perpetual Velocity advanced to the World Championship as well. For the first time in the history of Swerve Robotics, all three teams will be competing at the highest level. Please join us in congratulating our teams on their highly successful season thus far.